Wednesday, April 9, 2014

communication across borders

 Intercultural communications is the transfer of information between different cultures and different people. It is used to describe the wide range of communication processes and problems that naturally appear within an organization made up of individuals from different religious, social, ethnic, and educational backgrounds.

 It is a very important part of how our world works, it is great that we are able to spread information around so quickly and keep people informed about what is happening with the many different cultures in the world. It allows us to know other kinds of people even though we might not have met them we are able to understand there ways and there culture.

Intercultural communications has helped me prepare for our trip to Ireland and Scottland. I have done a lot of research on the culture and i feel that i am prepared to enter these great countries culturally aware and sensitive. I will be able to understand and hopefully be involved in the many traditions these places hold. Also from all my reading about the people that live there and how different there traditons are than my own i am so excited to meet many new people and hopefully leave knowing much more than i do now.
   New skills are being developed every day in every field of work in the world. It is every persons duty to take these new skills and apply them to their jobs and their everyday life. I want to be a teacher and a basketball coach. In my career i am going to have to exercise new techniques and use them to benifit my students and myself.
   Some of the skills that i am going to have to use are going to involve technology. Now you might ask how can a basketball incorporate technology into his classes and practices. Well i plan on using the new advances in technology. I will use slideshows, ipads, video to show my kids new techniques and fundamentals. I believe it is imperative that we use our new technology to teach our kids and our coworkers to be culturally aware.