Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Scottish/Irish Culture

      When going to another country there are always going to be traditions and culture differences that we are not used to. This means when we go on our trip this summer that we need to be aware of the many culture differences that are there and respect every one of them. We are the visitors of these countries and it is our duty to be respectful of their traditions. Something we should all be doing is researching the many different traditions these new places have and apply them to our trip. We are going to such a beautiful and culturally rich place and it is amazing that we will be getting the chance to share in their traditions and learn about the beauty of their culture.

       Some of the traditions that we need to be aware of are
1. Handshakes are very important. It is a sign of respect.
2. Respect. The Irish people are keen to respectful behavior. So be on your best behavior!
3.Fisish all your food during a meal! It is considered rude not to clean your plate...so EAT UP!

Lets have a wonderful time but also remember that being culturally polite is important and imperative.


  1. IN some countries, burping is a sign that you liked the food. I just can't go there!!

  2. No one will have to worry about me not finishing my plate. I'll eat just about anything.. Hopefully I won't have to eat those words on this trip!! I can't wait to try everything!!
